Текст песни: 48 Rooms - Clockwise

Eye for an Eye,
Revenge slaps your face,
You look at me and you see no remorse.

Lest you forget,
Your one saving grace,
Ill take away and offer no remorse.

Now... Its come down to you and me,
Just the way it should have been to begin with.

Feels right this time,
It feels so right this time.

Tooth for a tooth,
The pain and reckless haste,
and through it all I show you no remorse.
Don`t you forget, your last saving grace,
I`ll take away and offer no remorse.

Now... Its come down to you and me,
Just the way it should have been to begin with.

Feels right this time,
It feels so right this time.

The wheel of retribution spins full circle,

No remorse.

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Eye for an Eye,
Revenge slaps your face,
You look at me and you see no remorse.

Lest you forget,
Your one saving grace,
Ill take away and offer no remorse.

Now... Its come down to you and me,
Just the way it should have been to begin with.

Feels right this time,
It feels so right this time.

Tooth for a tooth,
The pain and reckless haste,
and through it all I show you no remorse.
Don`t you forget, your last saving grace,
I`ll take away and offer no remorse.

Now... Its come down to you and me,
Just the way it should have been to begin with.

Feels right this time,
It feels so right this time.

The wheel of retribution spins full circle,

No remorse.

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