Текст песни: 48 Rooms - Twinge

And when your backed into a corner,
Turn around and let them see your face.
Blood on your hands, world on your shoulders,
Is this how you wanted it to end?

There nothing left to show
And you still do what your told...

Kicked down and out into submission,
Beaten back and down into your place,
And when they close in for the last time,
Turn around and look them in the face

There is nothing left to show,
And you still do what your told...

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And when your backed into a corner,
Turn around and let them see your face.
Blood on your hands, world on your shoulders,
Is this how you wanted it to end?

There nothing left to show
And you still do what your told...

Kicked down and out into submission,
Beaten back and down into your place,
And when they close in for the last time,
Turn around and look them in the face

There is nothing left to show,
And you still do what your told...

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