Текст песни: 48 Rooms - Two Aces

Spin me round and round and up and down
and round and round again.

I`m getting just a little tired of the line
lets just be friends.

You make me paranoid, I cant avoid
worrying about you.

If you weren`t so damn attractive I don`t
know what I`d do

Hey, Wait
Can I ask you something?

Hey, wait
Didn`t you look away?

I`m not Asking that much of you,
I just have something to say...

I`m in the background, want to be found,
don`t assume that its by you

It doesn`t matter what you think or say
its what you do

And I don`t think I`ll ever let you drive my car again

It`s not a problem til, I hear that faithful line, let`s just be friends

Hey, wait
can I ask you something?
hey wait
didn`t you look away?
I`m not asking that much of you
I just have something to say

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Spin me round and round and up and down
and round and round again.

I`m getting just a little tired of the line
lets just be friends.

You make me paranoid, I cant avoid
worrying about you.

If you weren`t so damn attractive I don`t
know what I`d do

Hey, Wait
Can I ask you something?

Hey, wait
Didn`t you look away?

I`m not Asking that much of you,
I just have something to say...

I`m in the background, want to be found,
don`t assume that its by you

It doesn`t matter what you think or say
its what you do

And I don`t think I`ll ever let you drive my car again

It`s not a problem til, I hear that faithful line, let`s just be friends

Hey, wait
can I ask you something?
hey wait
didn`t you look away?
I`m not asking that much of you
I just have something to say

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