Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - All-american Dream

on the edge of the world where the neon screams diet-coke religions
shotdown tv-screens american boy loves american girl
most beautiful people in the shattered world i do believe
in all-american dream i do believe in all-american dream on
the edge of the world where the freon streams snortin` up
white mountains in the pools of white limousines millenium boy
millenium girl most beautiful people in this shattered world
i do believe in all-american dream i do believe in all-american dream
in god we trust in cars we rust an i do believe in all-american dream

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on the edge of the world where the neon screams diet-coke religions
shotdown tv-screens american boy loves american girl
most beautiful people in the shattered world i do believe
in all-american dream i do believe in all-american dream on
the edge of the world where the freon streams snortin` up
white mountains in the pools of white limousines millenium boy
millenium girl most beautiful people in this shattered world
i do believe in all-american dream i do believe in all-american dream
in god we trust in cars we rust an i do believe in all-american dream

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