Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Always

Come and get me sucker bite down
One step more and I`ll blow your head around
I ain`t got nothing for you
Better believe what I`m tellin` you
I`ve been runnin` thru the world with a gun in my back
Never got a ride in a Cadillac
Now look out scum here I come
Down to kill like a son of a gun

You can try to tell me what is right or wrog
It so easy to see thru you


I never ever learned at school
To play their rules
Unlike all those jackass fools
Standin` blind in the line
They got their heads from the same mould
And doin` exactly as they`re told
But hey that ain`t for me
Still at war with apathy

Doncha try to tell me what is right or wrong
`Cuz it so easy to see thru you


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Come and get me sucker bite down
One step more and I`ll blow your head around
I ain`t got nothing for you
Better believe what I`m tellin` you
I`ve been runnin` thru the world with a gun in my back
Never got a ride in a Cadillac
Now look out scum here I come
Down to kill like a son of a gun

You can try to tell me what is right or wrog
It so easy to see thru you


I never ever learned at school
To play their rules
Unlike all those jackass fools
Standin` blind in the line
They got their heads from the same mould
And doin` exactly as they`re told
But hey that ain`t for me
Still at war with apathy

Doncha try to tell me what is right or wrong
`Cuz it so easy to see thru you


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