Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Brandon Lee

The crow....

What would there be

As the river of sadness turns into sea

Could there be

Another thousand stories like you&me

Wanted a heart, wanted a soul

More than anything else in this world

But we are doomed our flesh in won

I would never give in.

Just like the moon does

We rise` n `shine` n `fall

Over you that I rise `n` shine `n` crowl

Victims aren`t we all.

What would there be

Beyond the eyes of Brandon Lee

Could there be

A revenging angel left to blood

Wanted a truth, wanted a faith

More than anything else in this world

But we are doomed body and soul marooned

I would never give in.

Just like the moon does

We rise` n `shine` n `fall

Over you that I rise `n` shine `n` crawl

Victims aren`t we all.

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The crow....

What would there be

As the river of sadness turns into sea

Could there be

Another thousand stories like you&me

Wanted a heart, wanted a soul

More than anything else in this world

But we are doomed our flesh in won

I would never give in.

Just like the moon does

We rise` n `shine` n `fall

Over you that I rise `n` shine `n` crowl

Victims aren`t we all.

What would there be

Beyond the eyes of Brandon Lee

Could there be

A revenging angel left to blood

Wanted a truth, wanted a faith

More than anything else in this world

But we are doomed body and soul marooned

I would never give in.

Just like the moon does

We rise` n `shine` n `fall

Over you that I rise `n` shine `n` crawl

Victims aren`t we all.

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