Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Crashing High

You`ve got everything you need
Still ready for open up and bleed
Reading all the magazines
Reading all the books
About the real diamond rings
And dirty looks
If you wanna fire baby
That`s what you will
Don`t say I didn`t warn you
Love could kill

So why
You wanna fall in love
Crashing high
You wanna fall in love

You`ve got everything you need
New York city, Paris if you please
It`s not about the fortune
Not about the fame/Once you`re
flying higher
Everything`s the same
But you wanna fire
That`s what you will
Don`t say I didn`t warn you
Love could kill


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You`ve got everything you need
Still ready for open up and bleed
Reading all the magazines
Reading all the books
About the real diamond rings
And dirty looks
If you wanna fire baby
That`s what you will
Don`t say I didn`t warn you
Love could kill

So why
You wanna fall in love
Crashing high
You wanna fall in love

You`ve got everything you need
New York city, Paris if you please
It`s not about the fortune
Not about the fame/Once you`re
flying higher
Everything`s the same
But you wanna fire
That`s what you will
Don`t say I didn`t warn you
Love could kill


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