Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Dance D`amour

Your lips shine like Paris
Mon amour
A toi toujours
Ma cherie
But your tears bring a little London for me
Berlin can never be so cold as you reach

Dance with me into the night
To the serious moonlight
Brighter than the stars above you shine
And the loving feels alright

Give me the moment that the world won’t need
Ce soir
Tu es a moi
Ma cherie
But your fears ain’t no strangers for me
Morning can never be so cold as you leave

Dance with me into the night
To the serious moonlight
Brighter than the stars above you shine
And the loving feels alright

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Your lips shine like Paris
Mon amour
A toi toujours
Ma cherie
But your tears bring a little London for me
Berlin can never be so cold as you reach

Dance with me into the night
To the serious moonlight
Brighter than the stars above you shine
And the loving feels alright

Give me the moment that the world won’t need
Ce soir
Tu es a moi
Ma cherie
But your fears ain’t no strangers for me
Morning can never be so cold as you leave

Dance with me into the night
To the serious moonlight
Brighter than the stars above you shine
And the loving feels alright

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