Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Graveland

Down by the riverbank
in the old bayou
I`m digging a grave
into mud just for you
And the hardest rains
always come from Tupelo
The hardest rains
always come from Tupelo
Blinded by the moonshine from Mexico
I`m singing my blues
waiting for the death row
And the hardest rains
always come from Tupelo
Another dead baby born in Tupelo

Do you believe in god
do you believe in Jesus Christ
Have mercy on me lord
I must have been blind
Got a beast inside
that I sometimes just can`t hide
When the wolfsbane blooms
and shadows come alive
Death will be my bride

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Down by the riverbank
in the old bayou
I`m digging a grave
into mud just for you
And the hardest rains
always come from Tupelo
The hardest rains
always come from Tupelo
Blinded by the moonshine from Mexico
I`m singing my blues
waiting for the death row
And the hardest rains
always come from Tupelo
Another dead baby born in Tupelo

Do you believe in god
do you believe in Jesus Christ
Have mercy on me lord
I must have been blind
Got a beast inside
that I sometimes just can`t hide
When the wolfsbane blooms
and shadows come alive
Death will be my bride

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