Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Hand Of God

let me tell you about the night of all the things
that you hide inside for in the blood that rushes red
all of life`s secrets can be read no use cryin` out
i`ll show you what hoodoo`s about dig up the fear
that drags you down baby let me see you drown
let me tell you about the night of dark passion
that shuns the light don`t you hold it back the deepest flame burns
always black it ain`t hand of god crushin` your heart
let me tell you about the night where angels dance and angels die
i`m gonna get you little girl show you some underworld
no use cryin` out fear no evil that the night`s all about
and don`t you try to hold it back the deepest flame burns
always black it ain`t hand of god crushin` your heart bleed me a river

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let me tell you about the night of all the things
that you hide inside for in the blood that rushes red
all of life`s secrets can be read no use cryin` out
i`ll show you what hoodoo`s about dig up the fear
that drags you down baby let me see you drown
let me tell you about the night of dark passion
that shuns the light don`t you hold it back the deepest flame burns
always black it ain`t hand of god crushin` your heart
let me tell you about the night where angels dance and angels die
i`m gonna get you little girl show you some underworld
no use cryin` out fear no evil that the night`s all about
and don`t you try to hold it back the deepest flame burns
always black it ain`t hand of god crushin` your heart bleed me a river

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