Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Heaven/hell

don`t deny you`re walking with the beast
no place to hide where the creatures meet
kicking back evil, kicking back the night
run through the jungle like a real wild child
don`t rely on walking with the beast
and the creatures they feast

i can`t get no higher than this
rising up horizon baby
get real

i don`t need no heaven or hell
but it`s alright
as long as you`re in my heart
i don`t need no heaven or hell
but it`s alright
as long as you`re under my charm

don`t deny you`re walking with the beast
no grace to shine where the creatures meet
and they feast

i can`t get no higher than this
rising up horizon baby get real

i don`t need no heaven or hell
but it`s alright
as long as you`re in my heart
i don`t need no heaven or hell
but it`s alright
as long as you`re under my charm

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don`t deny you`re walking with the beast
no place to hide where the creatures meet
kicking back evil, kicking back the night
run through the jungle like a real wild child
don`t rely on walking with the beast
and the creatures they feast

i can`t get no higher than this
rising up horizon baby
get real

i don`t need no heaven or hell
but it`s alright
as long as you`re in my heart
i don`t need no heaven or hell
but it`s alright
as long as you`re under my charm

don`t deny you`re walking with the beast
no grace to shine where the creatures meet
and they feast

i can`t get no higher than this
rising up horizon baby get real

i don`t need no heaven or hell
but it`s alright
as long as you`re in my heart
i don`t need no heaven or hell
but it`s alright
as long as you`re under my charm

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