Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Mr. Pain

Lights out all night
I`ve been lying there
Shiverin` and shakin`
Heart full of fear
Everything`s gettin` much too clear
Life`s a bitch
I just let you too near

On and on this beat is gettin` much too strong
Higher and higher the flames burnin` higher
I took the self-destruction desire

Takes you like a hot summer rain

I`m seein` snakes
And feelin` stone dead
Spiders and roaches dancin` in my head
All fucked-up in the hospital bed
Fire queen nursie
Paint the town red

On and on...


I need a fix `n` a kiss
Can`t get worse than this
Everybody`s so slow
I`m goin` much too fast


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Lights out all night
I`ve been lying there
Shiverin` and shakin`
Heart full of fear
Everything`s gettin` much too clear
Life`s a bitch
I just let you too near

On and on this beat is gettin` much too strong
Higher and higher the flames burnin` higher
I took the self-destruction desire

Takes you like a hot summer rain

I`m seein` snakes
And feelin` stone dead
Spiders and roaches dancin` in my head
All fucked-up in the hospital bed
Fire queen nursie
Paint the town red

On and on...


I need a fix `n` a kiss
Can`t get worse than this
Everybody`s so slow
I`m goin` much too fast


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