Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Radical

It`s not the morning
It`s not the dawn
The daylight savings reminds me of the fall
I`d like to stay here all night long
But the time is near
And the summer`s almost gone

Don`t ask me why
I don`t want to feel like forever young anymore
Just catch my fall before I crawl on the floor

It`s not the morning
It`s not the dawn
The daylight savings reminds me of the fall
I`d like to saty here all night long
But my time is near
And my summer`s almost gone


Is it so radical-after all

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It`s not the morning
It`s not the dawn
The daylight savings reminds me of the fall
I`d like to stay here all night long
But the time is near
And the summer`s almost gone

Don`t ask me why
I don`t want to feel like forever young anymore
Just catch my fall before I crawl on the floor

It`s not the morning
It`s not the dawn
The daylight savings reminds me of the fall
I`d like to saty here all night long
But my time is near
And my summer`s almost gone


Is it so radical-after all

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