Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Wasting The Dawn

Been running away so long from the day
Into the strange night of stone to fade away
As the light is gently bleeding out of my soul
Penetrating the evening as i ride on this endless road

But you can`t turn back the time
It always gonna wait on the line

Some may wish never to be born
Wasting the dawn
Like a rose growing from the christ`s thorn
Wasting the dawn

Dawn been waiting for you so long little bird of prey
To fly me higher to the brighter day
Where the lizard lingers long under the sun
Forgetting the night darkest july paris `71

But you can`t turn back the time
It always gonna wait on the line

Some may wish never to be born
Wasting the dawn
Like a rose growing from the christ`s thorn
Wasting the dawn

Some may wish never to be born
Wasting the dawn
Like a rose growing from the christ`s thorn
Wasting the dawn

Some may wish never to be born
Wasting the dawn
Like a rose growing from the christ`s thorn
Wasting the dawn

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Been running away so long from the day
Into the strange night of stone to fade away
As the light is gently bleeding out of my soul
Penetrating the evening as i ride on this endless road

But you can`t turn back the time
It always gonna wait on the line

Some may wish never to be born
Wasting the dawn
Like a rose growing from the christ`s thorn
Wasting the dawn

Dawn been waiting for you so long little bird of prey
To fly me higher to the brighter day
Where the lizard lingers long under the sun
Forgetting the night darkest july paris `71

But you can`t turn back the time
It always gonna wait on the line

Some may wish never to be born
Wasting the dawn
Like a rose growing from the christ`s thorn
Wasting the dawn

Some may wish never to be born
Wasting the dawn
Like a rose growing from the christ`s thorn
Wasting the dawn

Some may wish never to be born
Wasting the dawn
Like a rose growing from the christ`s thorn
Wasting the dawn

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