Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - Wrap Your Troubles In

So much heartaches and pain
Always on my way
Living on living day by day
I got no fortune i got no past
Just going nowhere nowhere fast
How long does forever last

I`m not living in the past for you
I`ve gotta find my way thru

Life goes on without any breaks
I got it baby what it takes
Dreaming on and on of better days
So many things to get done
Everyone`s here a chosen one
We`ve got a long long way to come

I`m not living in the past for you
I`ve gotta learn my way thru

It ain`t that hard it seems

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So much heartaches and pain
Always on my way
Living on living day by day
I got no fortune i got no past
Just going nowhere nowhere fast
How long does forever last

I`m not living in the past for you
I`ve gotta find my way thru

Life goes on without any breaks
I got it baby what it takes
Dreaming on and on of better days
So many things to get done
Everyone`s here a chosen one
We`ve got a long long way to come

I`m not living in the past for you
I`ve gotta learn my way thru

It ain`t that hard it seems

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