Текст песни: 69 Eyes, The - You Ain`t The Reason

well i can`t afford to bleed my blood is purest speed born
from a restless seed on the gypsy road that`s me well your chance is fifty
and four to ralize my score nothin` to tie my down i`m cheaper
than a drug hound well i don`t need you nor more
i just can`t wait to say to you goodbye today well
i can`t tell you thousand lies the difference is in the eyes
this life is built on sin it`s deeper than the shit we`re in well
i don`t need you anymore i just can`t wait to say to you goodbye
today no way you ain`t the reason to stay

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well i can`t afford to bleed my blood is purest speed born
from a restless seed on the gypsy road that`s me well your chance is fifty
and four to ralize my score nothin` to tie my down i`m cheaper
than a drug hound well i don`t need you nor more
i just can`t wait to say to you goodbye today well
i can`t tell you thousand lies the difference is in the eyes
this life is built on sin it`s deeper than the shit we`re in well
i don`t need you anymore i just can`t wait to say to you goodbye
today no way you ain`t the reason to stay

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