Текст песни: 6ths, the - Looking For Love (in The Hall Of Mirrors

When you left them back on the farm
For the city at dawn
The drone of the young and the hum
Of the pretty were songs
You thought you`d never forget
It`s a pity they`re gone

When the sun goes down and the moon appears
You go looking for love in the hall of mirrors

There`s a dark place down by the tracks
Where the wrinkles don`t show
They`ve got a room in the back
Where the lonely hearts go
You can get in on the act
Or just take in the show

When the sun goes down and the moon appears
You go looking for love in the hall of mirrors

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When you left them back on the farm
For the city at dawn
The drone of the young and the hum
Of the pretty were songs
You thought you`d never forget
It`s a pity they`re gone

When the sun goes down and the moon appears
You go looking for love in the hall of mirrors

There`s a dark place down by the tracks
Where the wrinkles don`t show
They`ve got a room in the back
Where the lonely hearts go
You can get in on the act
Or just take in the show

When the sun goes down and the moon appears
You go looking for love in the hall of mirrors

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