Текст песни: 6ths, the - When I`m Out Of Town

Where do you go when I`m not around?
Who do you love when I`mout of town?
The butcher, the baker
The thin undertaker who makes not a sound?
Who do you love when I`m out of town?
Have all my dreams come tumbling down?
Who`s in your arms where I used to drown?
The old money-lender,
the lonely bartender, the carnival clown?
Who do you love when I`m out of town?
Don`t say, it doesn`t matter anyway
Because it doesn`t matter what you say
All of our pages are turning to brown
We`re breaking up, and I`m breaking down
The man in the forest, the dashing young florist
The nurse musclebound?
Who do you love when I`m out of town?

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Where do you go when I`m not around?
Who do you love when I`mout of town?
The butcher, the baker
The thin undertaker who makes not a sound?
Who do you love when I`m out of town?
Have all my dreams come tumbling down?
Who`s in your arms where I used to drown?
The old money-lender,
the lonely bartender, the carnival clown?
Who do you love when I`m out of town?
Don`t say, it doesn`t matter anyway
Because it doesn`t matter what you say
All of our pages are turning to brown
We`re breaking up, and I`m breaking down
The man in the forest, the dashing young florist
The nurse musclebound?
Who do you love when I`m out of town?

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