Текст песни: 6 Cycle Mind - Collide

Once again united

Yet so far away

Together we watch this evening

As slowly it turns today

Our souls on fire

Burning like a million suns

Why do we collide?

Collide into each other

Why do we believe?

In the truth that we can`t unravel

Together taking chances

To find out what it could be

Is this an illusion?

Or a new reality?

Our souls on fire

Burning like a million suns

Why do we collide?

Collide into each other

Why do we believe?

In the truth that we can`t unravel

Why can`t I feel you in my veins

Driving me insane

Nothing seems the same

I can feel you running in my veins

Driving me insane

Helping ease my pain

Why do we collide?

Collide into each other

Why do we believe?

In the truth that we can`t unravel

Why do we collide?

Collide into each other

Why do we believe?

In the truth that we can`t unravel

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Once again united

Yet so far away

Together we watch this evening

As slowly it turns today

Our souls on fire

Burning like a million suns

Why do we collide?

Collide into each other

Why do we believe?

In the truth that we can`t unravel

Together taking chances

To find out what it could be

Is this an illusion?

Or a new reality?

Our souls on fire

Burning like a million suns

Why do we collide?

Collide into each other

Why do we believe?

In the truth that we can`t unravel

Why can`t I feel you in my veins

Driving me insane

Nothing seems the same

I can feel you running in my veins

Driving me insane

Helping ease my pain

Why do we collide?

Collide into each other

Why do we believe?

In the truth that we can`t unravel

Why do we collide?

Collide into each other

Why do we believe?

In the truth that we can`t unravel

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Еще тексты песен: 6 Cycle Mind