Текст песни: 6 Items Or Less - Saying Goodbye

things will be different, this I promise you
life just changes so fast, and we can`t forget our pasts
Spend so much time together
but we`re not getting any better
Talk online all night, hoping not to fight
I used to call you sweetheart
I`d call you every night
Now you`re with my best friend
And all we do is fight
I guess this is what you`d call life
It seems like nothing ever goes right
I don`t want to move on from you
But you`re forcing me
We`ll try this all again
But you`ll just end up with him
I just go on thinking we`ll still just be friends
I guess this is what you`d call life
It seems like nothing ever goes right
I don`t want to move on from you
But you`re forcing me
things will be different, this I promise you
life just changes so fast, and we can`t forget our pasts

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things will be different, this I promise you
life just changes so fast, and we can`t forget our pasts
Spend so much time together
but we`re not getting any better
Talk online all night, hoping not to fight
I used to call you sweetheart
I`d call you every night
Now you`re with my best friend
And all we do is fight
I guess this is what you`d call life
It seems like nothing ever goes right
I don`t want to move on from you
But you`re forcing me
We`ll try this all again
But you`ll just end up with him
I just go on thinking we`ll still just be friends
I guess this is what you`d call life
It seems like nothing ever goes right
I don`t want to move on from you
But you`re forcing me
things will be different, this I promise you
life just changes so fast, and we can`t forget our pasts

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Еще тексты песен: 6 Items Or Less