Текст песни: 69 Solution - Knowledge=freedom

I hear you speak of rebellion and of school abolition, But in your world of ignorance, you`re just as weak as everyone. Because when I choose freedom, I choose knowledge, consciousness and acceptance against intimidation. And caring for my non-human friends, And to out-smart them will justify the end. I have recognized the anger, I have recognized the pain... But as a kid, I had different plans. No thanks to the lies I have managed to ignore. Like many others I have realized, But now it`s time to spread the word out. Someone, listen to me!

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I hear you speak of rebellion and of school abolition, But in your world of ignorance, you`re just as weak as everyone. Because when I choose freedom, I choose knowledge, consciousness and acceptance against intimidation. And caring for my non-human friends, And to out-smart them will justify the end. I have recognized the anger, I have recognized the pain... But as a kid, I had different plans. No thanks to the lies I have managed to ignore. Like many others I have realized, But now it`s time to spread the word out. Someone, listen to me!

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