Текст песни: 69 Solution - Respect, Pride And Freedom

Do you understand just how meaningless they are? The flags and the military`s wars. Our government between the hands of this fascist white trash US claws... It`s all the same! Assuming state laws is something we can trust and follow until the end, It`s still hard to understand why democratic social laws subsist on pre-dictated thoughts, And the upper class`s needs. Our welfare is what they`re standing for, But in fact it gives them so much more than the power to cut back on our rights, So tell me, where`s your common sense, It`s all in me! Stop! Don`t carry them away, My dreams, my love, my tastes; I have the right to stay and to say FREEDOM! Respect, pride and reason, It`s all I want to have, It`s all I want to be!!!! Right!?

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Do you understand just how meaningless they are? The flags and the military`s wars. Our government between the hands of this fascist white trash US claws... It`s all the same! Assuming state laws is something we can trust and follow until the end, It`s still hard to understand why democratic social laws subsist on pre-dictated thoughts, And the upper class`s needs. Our welfare is what they`re standing for, But in fact it gives them so much more than the power to cut back on our rights, So tell me, where`s your common sense, It`s all in me! Stop! Don`t carry them away, My dreams, my love, my tastes; I have the right to stay and to say FREEDOM! Respect, pride and reason, It`s all I want to have, It`s all I want to be!!!! Right!?

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