Текст песни: 6ths, the - Aging Spinsters
you can have a fall
and winter of your own
staying warm inside
Your victorian home
but when the city`s so hot
the windows burst into flames
when the jesus freaks
collapse with the weight of their claims
marry young, diana
i don`t want to see you old and alone
it`s no fun, diana
i don`t want to see you
rot in the home for aging spinsters
you should fins someone
as loyal as a dog
who will still love you
when you look like a frog
somone to rock you chair
and bring you pink lemonade
someone to peel your grape
at 100` in the shade
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you can have a fall
and winter of your own
staying warm inside
Your victorian home
but when the city`s so hot
the windows burst into flames
when the jesus freaks
collapse with the weight of their claims
marry young, diana
i don`t want to see you old and alone
it`s no fun, diana
i don`t want to see you
rot in the home for aging spinsters
you should fins someone
as loyal as a dog
who will still love you
when you look like a frog
somone to rock you chair
and bring you pink lemonade
someone to peel your grape
at 100` in the shade
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